Insolvency Law and Financial restructuring
We advise managements, boards of directors, supervisory boards and directors of companies with regard to bankruptcy law, which includes corporate restructuring, measures to prevent insolvency, bankruptcy proceedings, compulsory settlement proceedings and liquidation proceedings. We represent creditors in all of these procedures and we ensure efficient enforcement of creditors’ claims.
Our services include among other:
- Due diligence review
- Counselling on the responsibility of management and supervisory bodies of the companies with regard to insolvency
- Risk assessment and analysis of necessary measures
- Counselling in restructuring procedures, insolvency prevention measures
- Representing shareholders, creditors, contracting parties or managers in bankruptcy, compulsory settlement and liquidation procedures

Pravni strokovnjaki:
Aleš AvbrehtT: +386 1 434 54 00E:
Ana Lešnik SitarT: +386 1 434 54 00E:
Ajda ArnolT: +386 1 434 54 00E: