Legal experts

Aleš Avbreht

Attorney at Law – Managing Partner

T: +386 1 434 54 00
M: +386 41 329 725
 +386 1 434 54 04
N: Tivolska cesta 50, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Before starting his career as an attorney, Aleš Avbreht acquired experience in the commercial sector as an independent legal consultant – Assistant to the Managing Director for Corporate Law – in a large company. Further, he also acquired experience in the judicature. Today, he is active especially in the field of corporate law, public procurement law and public-private partnerships. He has led a number of challenging merger procedures and procedures for legal status changes in companies. He regularly acts as a lecturer or moderator at expert events and is a certified supervisory board member with the Slovenian Directors’ Association.

Foreign Languages:

  • English, German, Croatian, Serbian