Področja pravnega delovanja

Protection of personal data

For many years, our company has been advising its clients from various sectors regarding the processing of personal data and all issues related to the protection of personal data. Individuals are entitled to have their personal data, the right to acquaint themselves with their personal data, the right to its correction and the exercise of other rights in connection with the protection of personal data regulated by law and in a fair and transparent way. This requires both data controllers and data processors to adopt a number of measures and to comply with the provisions of the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, i.e. Slovenian as well as EU legislation.

Our services include advising clients (data controllers and data processors) in ensuring the lawful processing of personal data and in ensuring all necessary legal bases for its processing, as well as measures and practices in this regard. Further, they include representation before the Information Commissioner as the supervisory authority in the field of personal data protection. We also advise individuals in the exercise of all their rights in the field of personal data protection.


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